Wash it down with the rain

Forgive me

For not having understood

That mom’s pain was never meant to be mine

That there was no reason for me to receive her suffering

And there was none for you to get mine

Forgive me

For carrying on all her doubts

For storing her trouble in me for so long

For letting it grow until it bursted out of my pores

For allowing it to spill over into you

Forgive me

For not saving you from that pain

For letting it sneak into your lungs and your hearts

I never wanted to give you the hurt that I felt

Nor the fear nor the anger or wants

I tell you this ’cause she came recently down

To reassure me that our mother is fine

That her suffering wasn’t a timeless curse

That she lifted her karma

Gave it back, not to us

But to Mother Earth to digest and transform

Then she gave us the power

To reconsider our pain

To review the worth of our sadness and fears

She told us to please wash it down with rain

So that her love and her joy do remain

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