They did nothing wrong (inspired by Matt Kahn, 2020)

How many boys did you say were abused by priests again

Three thousand in France alone?

The eyes of these children are blurred with tears

Their wholeness and integrity seemingly gone

Life can be shortened by that much pain

Such humiliation blows out your flame

Emotions of this size power you down

Smash your body hard and flat to the ground

These boys’ scars are everywhere

Floating through space while doing them harm

As for decades they were telling lies to themselves

That whatever they did, they did wrong

That what happened to them, was their own stupid fault

That they deserved being treated like that

How can they ever forget or forgive or move on

When they are caught in a bag like a cat

Their confusion keeps growing as they hide away

In introversy, misunderstandment and shame

They loose the feeling in their head, arms and legs

As the panic in their body inflates

They wander around in cold nights with no home

May get sick and let go of their hope

Their eyes may get blind to the worth of their life

And some in the end may give up

So please tell them now, before it’s too late

That each tear that they shed makes them strong

If nobody else, they can be kind to themselves

And trust that they did nothing wrong

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