Sweet village

A village wakes up from a rainy night

Owned by many a coving dove

Empty ancestral streets connect giant colonial stones

As a Sunday prepares for Church

Floors filthy with dirt from last night’s youth

Bars open serving black coffee and cakes

To old men who woke up early today

To share their news and loud laughing jokes

Green mountains stand tall in the mist far above

A cow sighs good morning to me

Her mouthful of greens makes me stop at her smile

As her eyes take warm hostage of mine

She chews and she smiles

And I tell her out loud

How lucky she is to live here

To eat from these juicy grasses and greens

To drink from this pound and be safe

Women walk down to the sound of the chapel’s bells

By the entrance they meet with their men

Together they pray for those that are gone

And for those who are new here as well

A woman sells bread in the park by the church

A man molests black hopping vultures

This moment of peace don’t break ’til some tough speeding bikes

Wake the sweet past sounds up to the now

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