Sunshine in my room

My bedroom had curtains with rectangular shapes in the colors lightblue, grey, yellow and white. The shapes were separated by irregular black strokes as painted by hand.

With ten blocks in each row, the pattern was irregular: a first row started with a yellow block, followed by a grey, a blue, and then a white one. Then there was grey again, and so on. The second row had first blue, then grey, followed by a white and a yellow block, and then continuing. The third row also had a different sequence. No row was ever the same.

Obsessively I have tried to find a logic behind the arbitrary pattern of my curtains, but one day I decided to give up.

In summer, the sun used to shine through my curtains. In particular the yellow and white blocks let the sunbeams in very happily.

My best mornings were those when I woke up because of their play.

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