Wild Ocean

I touch land on a tiny island

Exhausted I am

It was a long outrageous swim

I am not a good swimmer

There was wild life and matter around me

Plants garbage rotten nets

Great sharks and turtles

Playing dolphins peaceful wales

I am small no more

Currents pushed me

Nights full of cold long dark

Days burning sun and salt in me

Me drying out full of water

Now I sit

I breathe

I only see water and sky

I only hear waves and winds

Birds circle around my head

Chirping loud sharp noises in ever higher vibrations

A seagull free-falls dives deep down into the blue

Jumps out of the water climbing high swallowing celebrating

What a feast it is

I find a coconut on the beach

I crack it open with a stone and drink its water

I lay down to rest

I am finally here

Shall I go back into that wild, savage, stormy, cold, scary, deep, dark and lonely ocean

Or shall I stay?